Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (2024)


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Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (1)

Bircher Muesli was developed around 1900 by Swiss physician Maximilian Bircher-Brenner for his patients and is still a very popular breakfast throughout Switzerland and Germany. The original recipe called for much more fresh fruit than grain and soaked the raw oats overnight since they took some time to soften.Nowadays, a soak time of 30-60 minutes seems to suffice when using quick oats, although I still prefer to prepare it the night before so that we don’t have to wait for our breakfast in the mornings.

Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (2)

Ariklikes to not only eat the muesli for breakfast, but also in the afternoon as a snack. As far as toppings go, you can use just about anything your heart desires for fruit and nuts. We like to alternate between blueberries, strawberries, nectarines,hazelnuts, sesame seeds, and toasted coconut. And of course, no muesli is complete for Arik, without raisins, which we add the night before so that they are nice and soft.

Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (3)

Keep in mind, when using rolled or old-fashioned oats, they will require a longer soak time than quick oats. I also like the texture to be quite mushy (sorry…), so this recipe uses quite a bit of liquid and yogurt. If you prefer a thicker texture just decrease the amount of milk and yogurt.

Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (4)

If you and your kids like oatmeal and yogurt, you will love bircher muesli. It’s the perfect summer-time breakfast, and not only really easy to make, but healthy too!

Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (5)

5.0 from 24 reviews

Bircher Muesli

Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (6)


Author: Laura

Serves: 4-6


  • 2 cups/150g rolled or quick oats
  • 1¾ cups/420ml milk
  • ¼ cup/60ml apple juice
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 apple, cored and grated with the peel
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey
  • 1½ cups/375g plain yogurt
  • A dash of cinnamon (optional)
  • Toppings : your favorite fresh and/or dried fruit, nuts, toasted coconut, etc.
  • Our favorites: blueberries, strawberries, raisins and hazelnuts


  1. Combine oats, milk, apple juice and lemon juice and let sit overnight in the refrigerator.
  2. In the morning add the grated apple, honey (to taste), yogurt, and cinnamon, if desired, and mix well.
  3. Top with your favorite fruits and nuts.


* If you are short on time in the mornings, you can add the grated apple the night before to save a few minutes.

150 Responses to “Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe”

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  1. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (7)

    May 4, 2013 at 03:45

    Yum! Looks amazing and I love the use of the jar 🙂 super cute

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (8)

      Leo Baumer says:

      January 13, 2015 at 23:50

      I was born in Zurich in 1928 and had my fill of Bircher Muesli.
      All these recipes here are way off the ORIGINAL Muesli which was
      available in restaurants etc. I do believe Migros is about the closest
      to what it used to be but now in the American version the only thing
      they don’t put in it is marihuana !! yet.
      The true muesli has nothing but a few chips of nuts on it and is served
      in a pile, not soup. There is no extra liquid in the dish. We used to make
      it with Chamer Milch which was first made in the village of Cham on the
      Zuger lake and now is called condensed milk. Now it is much easier to make
      with the minute oats. I just mix it with the Milk and put it in the micro for
      a few second to warm it and then add something I like. It is served cool but
      if you like it warm, that is acceptable also.

      • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (9)

        Laura says:

        January 26, 2015 at 21:08

        Thanks for the info Leo!

      • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (10)

        Annabel Wood says:

        September 27, 2015 at 16:16

        Yes, I have to agree. Years ago I worked in Geneva- one is spoilt to death with all the fantastic foods in Switzerland and just over the borders of France and Italy as well. I used to shop at Migros (a big supermarket chain) which had a cafeteria in every store. The muesli was to die for. Almost a mousse. Chilled, light, creamy with no predominant flavour but full of healthy stuff. I could have eaten it 3 times a day. Nothing like any muesli I have seen before or since!

      • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (11)

        November 6, 2016 at 03:33


        After living in Switzerland (Staefa) for about a year a year, I became a big fan of Muesli. I found that many cruise ships serve it on their buffet lines. We just came back from a 16 day cruise through the Panama Canal on the Celebrity Infinity and ate muesli every morning and never tired of it. I just finished making a batch and can’t wait to have some in the morning

  2. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (12)

    May 5, 2013 at 02:47

    I love oatmeal and yogurt! And yet, how have I never tried muesli?? On my to do list now 🙂

  3. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (13)

    May 9, 2013 at 22:02

    Yum! These look delicious, Laura! I didn’t realize oatmeal had such a history (:

  4. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (14)

    Tessa Wright-Zürcher says:

    June 22, 2013 at 01:37

    Hi, My family are Swiss and I have been brought up eating BM…
    Your recipe is, I’m pleased to say, one of the closest I’ve found to proper Bircher.
    In Switzerland it’s eaten in the summer whenever possible!..Any excuse..Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack…anytime! You can even buy it ready made in Migros (Migro is the Swiss version of Tesco’s)
    Your looks great…Just wanted you to know….

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (15)

      Laura says:

      June 22, 2013 at 07:27

      Oh wow, so happy you feel that way Tessa! You can buy Bircher Muesli ready-made here in Germany too, but it just doesn’t beat the home-made in my opinion. 🙂 Well thank you so much for making my day and taking the time to let me know! Cheers, Laura

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (16)

      Norman W. M. Thompson says:

      October 5, 2014 at 23:04

      This article brought back happy memories of Friday evenings (1977-1979) spent at Collonges (Séminaire Adventiste du Salève, now Campus Adventiste du Salève). I didn’t like les frites served on Wednesdays at noon nor le cous-cous served on Thursdays. However, on Friday evenings, especially during my second year, I remember eating my bircher by candlelight in the dining room.

      When I speak to fellow Collongeois of the bircher, they are quick to inform me that le bircher at Collonges wasn’t that good.but I liked it. Sometimes I would take a little extra from the dining room and place it on the window sill of my dorm room. I would have it the following evening. 24 hours later it was even better.

      For me, my bircher must have very ripe bananas and at least 2 other fruit (grape, cherry, apple, pineapple, strawberry, raspberry, apple). I don’t like citrus in my bircher, but the one served at Collonges invariably had along with dried fruit).

      By the way, the name “Zurcher” rings a bell. I remember Jean Zurcher, former secretary of the Euro-Africa Division, and his son, Freddy, principal of the prep school and lecturer in Education.

  5. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (17)

    July 11, 2013 at 10:07

    Not sure what a URI is Title perhaps, anyway have recently stayed at Trevose House Harbour in St Ives, Cornwall and the owner Olly is Swiss and also a wonderful chef he made this for breakfast or should I say his version and we loved it. I have been making my version ever since and we love it so will definitely give this one a try thank you. By the way Angela, Olly’s wife is also a very good chef and they have a great hotel if anyone finds themselves in St Ives.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (18)

      Laura says:

      July 13, 2013 at 08:41

      Hi Adele,
      the URL is the address of your website, if you’ve got one. If not, then you can just ignore that space. Thanks so much for your comment, your stay in St Ives sounds like it was a lovely time. I’m always glad to hear from other bircher muesli lovers. 🙂 Cheers, Laura

  6. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (19)

    Deborah Doob says:

    July 13, 2013 at 09:05

    And I thought Bircher muesli was just a family thing!! My mother grew up in Zurich, next to Dr. Bircher’s sanatorium. His theory was that raw fruits and raw oatmeal would cure his cancer patients (we’re talking early 20th century). Probably not too successful as a cure, but delicious!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (20)

      Laura says:

      July 13, 2013 at 21:20

      Wow, that is really cool! Have you been back there to visit and see where she grew up? Yeah, I’m guessing the raw fruits and oats probably didn’t cure the cancer, but I bet they helped the immune system. Regardless, I love the stuff! Thanks for stopping by and for the interesting history lesson!

  7. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (21)

    Peter says:

    July 16, 2013 at 10:11

    The wife makes it for me we use rolled oates Skim milk powder sultanas and chopped nuts. I like it made a couple of days ahead. I take to work in a plastic container and find it very fulling with a low GI and very convenant.

  8. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (22)

    Satkar says:

    July 23, 2013 at 15:50

    Perfect recipe for me. I make a weeks worth including chopped almonds and walnuts. Place raspberries at the bottom of the individual container, then the muesli, then top with blueberries, forest strawberries or stoned cherries. I live in Warsaw so fruit in bountiful supply right now.

    Have shared your recipe with others so thanks a lot.

    All the best.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (23)

      Laura says:

      July 23, 2013 at 22:23

      I love the idea of layering the fruit ahead of time. Glad you’ve enjoyed the recipe and thanks for sharing!

  9. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (24)

    Rosie says:

    July 30, 2013 at 14:08

    Just made a link on my blog post to your bircher muesli. Looks so delicious!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (25)

      Laura says:

      July 30, 2013 at 14:46

      Thanks so much for sharing Rosie!!

  10. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (26)

    Drew says:

    August 4, 2013 at 02:36

    Hi Laura! I live in Texas, but I spent the last year traveling around Australia. It was the first time I ever tried bircher meusli and both my girlfriend and I loved it. We tried it in every city we stayed in and when we settled down in Perth for awhile, she started making our own, but I never learned. I’m trying your recipe out tonight! Thanks so much for this and great photos!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (27)

      Laura says:

      August 4, 2013 at 10:36

      Hi Drew! Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment. I must say, I’m a little jealous of your travels around Australia…never been, and have always wanted to go. I hope the muesli ends up being just the way you remember, and if it doesn’t, I hope at least it tastes good. 🙂

  11. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (28)

    Hannah says:

    August 20, 2013 at 01:58

    How long can you leave this in the fridge? Would I be able to make a big batch for the week or will it go sour?

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (29)

      Laura says:

      August 20, 2013 at 08:23

      Hi Hannah,
      my son and I usually eat this over the span of 4 days and it is completely fine. I guess it would also depend on the expiration dates of your yogurt and milk but as long as those are good you should be fine making a big batch ahead of time. Let me know if you experience otherwise.

  12. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (30)

    Oriana says:

    August 20, 2013 at 15:52

    Hi Laura!

    I loved this recipe, a good friend of mine introduced me to it. I ended up using agave nectar instead of honey and added in 1/2 cup coconut flakes and 1/2 cup raisins. it was Delish!
    Thanks so much for sharing!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (31)

      Laura says:

      August 20, 2013 at 20:18

      Hi Oriana!
      Thanks so much for stopping by to let me know. Adding coconut flakes I’ve done as well, but I haven’t yet tried using agave nectar. I will have to try that out. Well, I’m so glad you liked the recipe and that your friend introduced you to it. 🙂 Thanks again for leaving a comment!

  13. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (32)

    melissa says:

    August 25, 2013 at 10:57

    I just made up a version of bircher muesli using a Ninja food prep tool. I used old fashioned oats and ground them in the chopper. Then cored, whole apples and chopped those with, peaches, nectarines, banana and white raisins. I used whole milk organic yogurt and a dash of palm sugar. Floated blueberries thru this. Try it with zested lemon peel too or a bit of lemon cod liver oil. There is no need to wait over night. Chopping the oats makes them absorb the liquid from the apples and other fruits. Keeps well.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (33)

      Laura says:

      August 26, 2013 at 08:51

      That sounds like a delicious version of bircher muesli. Thanks for sharing Melissa!

  14. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (34)

    Megan says:

    August 29, 2013 at 06:04

    This looks so good! My family loves overnight oats, so I can’t wait to try this version out.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (35)

      Laura says:

      August 29, 2013 at 08:22

      Thanks Megan! I hope you guys like them!!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (37)

      Laura says:

      September 1, 2013 at 13:37

      Thanks so much Sophie!!

  15. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (38)

    Jenny K says:

    September 4, 2013 at 12:40

    Have just eaten this every morning whilst cruising with P&O.
    It’s amazing so I’m going to give your recipe a try, as I’m getting alittle tired of porridge every morning!!
    J x

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (39)

      Laura says:

      September 4, 2013 at 13:04

      Hi Jenny!
      I hope you like the recipe and it provides a little variety to your mornings! 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to leave me a note.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (40)

      Debbie Tapner says:

      September 18, 2016 at 15:21

      Hi Jenny, just returned from a P&O and I too are Bircher Muesli every morning. So selfish and refreshing. This recipe looks like the one they serve up so off to Waitrose to buy the ingredients. Yum

  16. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (41)

    Guillermo says:

    September 4, 2013 at 21:51

    Just ate it for the first time and every day for a week during our stay at the Hilton Hotel in Durban and we love it! Thanks for the recipe, going to make at home!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (42)

      Laura says:

      September 5, 2013 at 08:08

      I hope it turns out just the way you like it!

      • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (43)

        Valerie Reynolds says:

        November 8, 2014 at 13:00

        Thanks to both of you. I just came back from a week at the Hilton in Durban where I discovered this delicious dish. I ate it every day too! So the recipe is the same as what I ate in the hotel? If so, I am on it! Thanks again.

        • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (44)

          Laura says:

          November 9, 2014 at 15:01

          Not sure if the recipe is the same one you had at the Hilton. There are many different variations to making Bircher Muesli so you may have to do some tweaking until you reach the taste you desire. I hope the recipe gets you on the right track!

  17. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (45)

    September 11, 2013 at 05:05

    I’ve fallen in love with bircher muesli while traveling in Australia. I was so curious how they made it, now I know : )

  18. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (46)

    Geraldine says:

    September 12, 2013 at 00:50

    Was thinking this might make a lovely overnight postal gift to a sick friend. Can u add all the ingredients before leaving to stand? Any thoughts? I think it’s still cool enough not to worry to much about postal temp (I’m guessing it’ll fly & drive in an overnight bag!!).
    Thanks for your thoughts. 🙂

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (47)

      Laura says:

      September 12, 2013 at 08:32

      That is a great idea! I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to add all of the ingredients at one time. Maybe pack it with a cool pack? Regardless that’s a really sweet idea…what a lucky friend. 🙂 Let me know how it goes if you end up trying it!

      • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (48)

        Geraldine says:

        September 12, 2013 at 08:49

        Thanks, I’ll do it Monday so she receives it Tuesday. I’ve just posted Anzac slice & sticky date pudding for her family over the weekend. I’ll keep you posted on the results!
        Cheers. 🙂

        • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (49)

          Laura says:

          September 12, 2013 at 13:03

          Sounds good. I will keep my fingers crossed that it arrives in one piece and your friend enjoys it!

  19. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (50)

    Miss Maggie says:

    September 12, 2013 at 10:40

    I’ve been having ‘Bircher Brenner’ muesli daily for years and years and still not tired of it. I’ve made some changes over the years and use a mix of flakes ie wheat, rye, barley, jumbo oats, rolled oats. Also variety is given with seasonal fruits. Now as autumn is on the horizon there is pleasure with the harvest of English apples.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (51)

      Laura says:

      September 12, 2013 at 13:02

      I know, it’s one of those things that I just don’t think I will ever grow tired of. I love all of the different variety of flakes you use. Thanks for stopping by and sharing! 🙂

  20. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (52)

    Rachel says:

    September 29, 2013 at 16:29

    Hi Laura!
    Your recipe looks great I can’t wait to try it. I’m on a bit of a health overhaul and it’s coming in to Summer in Australia so this will be perfect! Just a question – how long does it keep if you make it and store in the fridge? Or should you not do that at all?

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (53)

      Laura says:

      September 29, 2013 at 16:48

      Thanks Rachel! I’ve kept this in the fridge for up to 5 days and it was fine…I just had to add a little more yogurt every once in a while since the oats soak it up. Just check out the expirations dates of your yogurt and milk to make sure they aren’t expiring any time soon. Hope you enjoy it!

  21. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (54)

    Lucie says:

    October 6, 2013 at 09:45

    Hi Laura!
    I had Swiss müsli for breakfast in a hotel in Germany a week ago. I liked it so much so I deciced to make me my own Swiss müsli and I’ve found your recipe. I have to say, that your recipe is really great! It’s fresh and juicy, it’s not oversweet, it’s just perfect! I’m going to recommend it to my friends 🙂


    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (55)

      Laura says:

      October 6, 2013 at 11:27

      Hi Lucie!
      I’m so glad you enjoyed the Müsli recipe! Thanks so much for leaving me a note and passing it on to your friends. 🙂

  22. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (56)

    Alison says:

    October 7, 2013 at 07:24

    Hi there,
    I’m a big fan of bircher but have come across a few variations. I’m wondering, as this defies science to me, how yoghurt/milk that has lemon juice /apple juice not curdle, or do something similarly terrifying, after being left more than 1 night? In your opinion, would it work to soak the oats, and leave them in the fridge and add milk/yoghurt etc daily to each portion as you go?

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (57)

      Laura says:

      October 7, 2013 at 08:01

      I could see your concern with this and can say, that I myself have never had an issue with this happening. Since the milk is a huge part of the soaking liquid, I would not skip adding it the night before. You could however leave out the lemon juice (and apple juice if you are worried about that as well) and instead of adding it to the milk the next day, just sprinkle the lemon juice over the grated apple and let sit for a minute before adding to muesli. If you want to skip the apple juice as well just leave it out and replace the liquid with more milk. I hope this helps! Let me know how it turns out! 🙂

  23. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (58)

    Anne says:

    October 27, 2013 at 23:38

    Ohmygoodness! Just made this last night and am licking the bowl this morning! Its perfect, I added a dash of cinnamon because its still slightly wintry here in Australia and cinnamon warms it right up!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (59)

      Laura says:

      October 28, 2013 at 07:36

      I love the addition of cinnamon to this as well. I think I need to just add it to the recipe! 🙂 Thanks for trying out the recipe and leaving me a note, Anne!!

  24. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (60)

    Françoise says:

    November 4, 2013 at 20:24

    We found a recipe for Bircher Muesli, 25 years ago, in a Unicef Recipe Book for children. It was given as a Christmas gift to all my sisters with young children.

    The only change we made, was to use oat bran instead of oatmeal. The first soaking liquid is water. Raisins are added with the oat bran. After soaking a little, yogourt, chopped apple, lemon juice and a little bit of cream, are added and mixture is sweetened with either honey or maple syrup (we are from Québec); the next morning sliced banana and chopped hazelnuts or walnuts are added. It is was a must for breakfast before morning skiing. Still enjoying it in our golden age and addition of cinnamon will be tried next time.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (61)

      Laura says:

      November 4, 2013 at 21:55

      I love the sound of sweetening with maple syrup. Sounds like that recipe has been in your family for quite some time…those are always the best! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a note!

  25. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (62)

    Harris says:

    November 6, 2013 at 02:53

    Thanks so much for your recipe! It was truly delicious. Have to admit your photos are amazing too. Mouthwatering in fact.

    Love your site

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (63)

      Laura says:

      November 6, 2013 at 08:41

      Thanks so much for your kind words Harris! Always love hearing positive feedback. 🙂

  26. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (64)

    P says:

    November 10, 2013 at 01:37

    I’ve been putting chopped glacé ginger in mine, but I’m wondering if raw ginger would be ok. I mix up all the dry ingredients days before, so I’m wondering if the raw ginger might go off. Any thoughts?

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (65)

      Laura says:

      November 10, 2013 at 20:58

      That’s a good question, that I don’t really know the answer to. 🙂 I imagine the longer it is mixed in with the ingredients the more potent the ginger-taste will get, but I don’t really know if it would/could go bad. If you do get around to trying it out, let me know what happens. 🙂

      • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (66)

        P says:

        November 10, 2013 at 21:20

        I found a few web sites suggesting raw ginger only lasts a few days in the fridge once it’s chopped, so it sounds like that can’t be used in premixed muesli. But I found uncrystallised ginger in the supermarket. It’s boiled in sugar to preserve it like crystalised and glace ginger, but isn’t rolled in sugar after.

  27. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (67)

    Janson Jacob M says:

    November 11, 2013 at 06:46

    Curious to find abt BIRCHER MUESLI…???
    Happy at last…
    Now I know what is this…thanks
    swiss origin
    Dr.Maxmilian Bircher
    prescription….??? Tasty
    believed to be curing cancer…???
    But really DELISHUS!!!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (68)

      Laura says:

      November 11, 2013 at 08:06

      So glad I could help you out! 🙂

  28. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (69)

    Manoranjani says:

    December 24, 2013 at 13:11

    Hi Laura,

    I have been living alone from 4 months now and making my own meals(mostly noodles).
    After a long search for easy breakfast i saw your post for muesli. I have to say i love it.
    The best part is there is no cooking as such. You mix, leave it over night and you have breakfast.
    This has been a life saver for my morning rush.
    Thank you so much.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (70)

      Laura says:

      December 24, 2013 at 13:23

      I’m so glad I could help make your busy mornings a little easier! Thanks for letting me know and enjoy the holidays!

  29. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (71)

    pat says:

    Thanks Laura,
    Am from Dunedin NZ, was looking for muesli recipe and came across yours. A must try and big success in our family. I’ll spread the news…Pat

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (72)

      Laura says:

      January 7, 2014 at 08:40

      Yay! So glad you guys liked it. Thanks for sharing and thanks for spreading the news. 🙂

  30. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (73)

    Samia says:

    January 12, 2014 at 23:44

    Recently discovered Starbucks berry muesli which is so yummmmmmy, has grated apple, pomegranates, pistachio slivers and dried cranberries. Wanted to try and make at home so will give your recipe a go. Thx for sharing the recipe

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (74)

      Laura says:

      January 13, 2014 at 08:52

      Oh wow, that combo sounds so good! I will definitely have to try that out. Hope you like the recipe! 🙂

  31. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (75)

    Claire says:

    February 5, 2014 at 22:06

    I love this! Instead of running around in the morning like a headless chicken, I make this the night before, take my time in the morning and take this to work to eat later. It has made my mornings so much calmer (and yummier too!) Thank you 🙂

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (76)

      Laura says:

      February 6, 2014 at 13:37

      Awesome! So glad I could help make your mornings a little easier. 🙂

  32. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (77)

    Sacha says:

    February 10, 2014 at 16:17

    Thanks for the great recipe…I’ve made it 4-5 times since I found it a month or so back… my husband and I really enjoy it. Such a nice change from regular cold cereal in the morning….or at snack time 😉

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (78)

      Laura says:

      February 10, 2014 at 21:35

      I’m so glad you and your husband enjoy this recipe! It definitely is a nice change-up for breakfast. Thanks for leaving me a note to let me know! 🙂

  33. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (79)

    Tina Jui says:

    February 11, 2014 at 00:41

    Beautiful pictures and great recipe! I’ve just discovered bircher muesli, and made it for the first time last week. Your recipe looks so delicious, and I love how you make it in the individual jars. Will be posting my pictures and recipe on my blog soon!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (80)

      Laura says:

      February 11, 2014 at 12:46

      Thank you Tina! Can’t wait for your recipe and pictures. 🙂

  34. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (81)

    Mitzi says:

    April 8, 2014 at 02:36

    I have never tried Bircher Muesli, I do love oats but not cooked breakfast oats. Does this get slimy life cooked oatmeal?

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (82)

      Laura says:

      April 8, 2014 at 05:28

      I must admit it can get somewhat slimy, alhough not nearly as bad as oatmeal. I tend to just add more yogurt until the texture is to my liking.

  35. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (83)

    marianne says:

    May 9, 2014 at 03:45

    We lived in Geneva for several years and ate this almost daily – your recipe is very close to the taste I remember – but without the cream. Makes a wonderful healthy and easy breakfast (or snack any time of day if you ask me!)

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (84)

      Laura says:

      May 10, 2014 at 08:54

      Yes, we love eating this as an afternoon snack!

  36. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (85)

    Gill says:

    June 4, 2014 at 19:49

    Had bircher muesli on a qantas flight a couple of days ago. It was delicious. Had never heard of it and so had to look it up. Will definitely be making up my own shortly.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (86)

      Laura says:

      June 4, 2014 at 20:14

      That’s great Gill! I am a huge fan of the stuff. I hope you like this recipe as much as the muesli on your flight!!

  37. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (87)

    Karrie Leow says:

    July 17, 2014 at 05:44


    Can i make a week supply(5 working days), store in fridge and use as requred?


    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (88)

      Laura says:

      July 17, 2014 at 06:07

      Hi Karrie,
      I have done this a few times and never had a problem. I guess it would be a good idea to check the expiration date on the perishable items to make those aren’t expiring during that time. Hope this helps. 🙂
      Cheers, Laura

  38. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (89)

    Vicky says:

    August 31, 2014 at 06:02

    Hi! Just curious if there’s a reason why the yogurt is added right before eating and is not part of the ingredients used for soaking the oats? Thank you!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (90)

      Laura says:

      September 10, 2014 at 09:40

      Hello! I add the yogurt right before eating because that way I feel I have more control over how the consistency of the Muesli ends up. I guess its just a preference thing. 🙂

  39. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (91)

    Steve says:

    September 23, 2014 at 14:57

    Great recipe. I added slivered almonds to the mix.

  40. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (92)

    Keiron says:

    November 28, 2014 at 09:32

    Lovely recipe thankyou, we travel along to Malaysia and it’s always on the breakfast menu, we added raisins and the next batch will have slivered almonds.

  41. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (93)

    Stuart says:

    December 13, 2014 at 16:58

    Please forgive my ignorance and stupidity, but I’m completely new to this. When you put it in the fridge, does it have to be in an airtight container, or can it just be put in an ordinary bowl?

    Many thanks.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (94)

      Laura says:

      December 15, 2014 at 14:43

      I just go ahead and put it in a regular bowl and have never had an issue.

  42. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (95)

    Stuart says:

    December 22, 2014 at 10:24

    That’s great, thanks.

  43. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (96)

    Kerry says:

    January 28, 2015 at 23:49

    I soaked the muesli last night and prepared it this morning for my daughter and her rowing crew! It was a huge success and the girls said it was the best tasting muesli they have ever had – which is a BIG call as the have eaten plenty on muesli over the last five years after their gruelling rowing sessions! I found the consistency lovely and this will certainly be a staple in our house now. Thank you for sharing x

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (97)

      Laura says:

      January 30, 2015 at 14:44

      So glad you and the girls enjoyed the muesli!! Thanks for letting me know!

  44. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (98)

    Heather says:

    March 2, 2015 at 01:36

    This was DELICIOUS!! I had no idea how to make this at home (until finding your recipe) – I would always wait until we went on vacation somewhere and fill up on it at the hotel, but now I can have it anytime – yay! So super yummy!!!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (99)

      Laura says:

      March 6, 2015 at 20:58

      Yay, I’m so glad you liked it Heather!

  45. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (100)

    Carrie-Anne says:

    May 9, 2015 at 17:22

    We had this for breakfast at a restaurant at a five star lodge near Hinton, Alberta and left having asked what it was made with because we liked it so much. I came in search of a recipe, found yours, and am excited to try it tonight for breakfast tomorrow, as it has all the stuff they listed off to me.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (101)

      Laura says:

      June 6, 2015 at 20:24

      I hope it met your expectations!!! 🙂

  46. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (102)

    Karen F says:

    June 6, 2015 at 18:40

    I was introduced to this in Prague on breakfast buffet. Again in Germany. I love it. I just this year made overnight oatmeal. I don’t enjoy hot cooked oatmeal but love Bircher Muesli. I like mine NOT mushy.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (103)

      Laura says:

      June 6, 2015 at 20:26

      Hi Karen! It seems most people learn about Bircher Muesli from their hotel breakfast. Hope this recipe came close to the one you had at the hotel.

  47. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (104)

    Sally Anne says:

    August 27, 2015 at 19:10

    Hi Laura,
    I was looking for recipes for overnight oatmeal and found yours. I recently bought steel cut oatmeal and wondered if that would work for your or any other overnight oatmeal. Would appreciate your thoughts.
    Thank you.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (105)

      Laura says:

      August 27, 2015 at 20:45

      I think steel cut oats would be just fine. The texture may be just slightly crunchier, but that could be a good thing! 🙂

  48. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (106)

    Hayley says:

    September 28, 2015 at 22:04

    Hi Laura,
    Have mine waiting in the fridge for tomorrow morning!
    Just wondered if you can add the youghut / cinnamon and dried fruits in the evening to cut out this step in the morning?

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (107)

      Laura says:

      November 7, 2015 at 22:27

      Hi Hayley! So sorry for the incredibly late response, but in case you are still wondering…I tried adding the yogurt the night before and found the oats soaked up too much of it and the muesli ended up really thick, but if that is the texture you want to achieve then adding at night would be good. As far as the cinnamon and dried fruits I don’t see why you couldn’t add them at night as well.

  49. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (108)

    Jess B says:

    October 19, 2015 at 18:11

    I just tried a super simple version of muesli that I whipped up last night with a recipe of things I had on hand, but I really want to try your recipe, so I may have to go get some apples/apple juice to do so. Thank you for sharing your recipe [= I found it quite by accident, but it sounded like something I would enjoy. Hadn’t even heard of it before yesterday, I don’t think. Also, I loved the idea that it would be something that I wouldn’t have to do in the morning — sounded like a great idea. I’ll let you know if I get around to trying it out! But at least know that your page here inspired me to make a version of it at all. I’m hooked.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (109)

      Laura says:

      November 7, 2015 at 22:24

      Thanks for letting me know Jess, glad I could inspire!!

  50. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (110)

    Maureen says:

    November 7, 2015 at 01:16

    Great recipe! I tried it last night and added chopped prunes to the mixture. In the morning I added grated Apple as you suggested and walnuts. I have a friend from Zurich, Switzerland and she makes it the same way as you. Thanks so much for posting this!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (111)

      Laura says:

      November 7, 2015 at 22:17

      Chopped prunes is a great idea and such a healthy addition. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  51. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (112)

    Carla says:

    December 31, 2015 at 19:37

    I searched for a recipe that was as close to the yummy Muesli I experienced at a B&B in Lausanne while we were traveling around Switzerland as I could. Yours came the closest! I made it over Christmas and was very pleased! Thank you for your post!

  52. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (113)

    Laura says:

    January 11, 2016 at 13:06

    Thank you so much! I’ve been traveling here in Germany and had discovered Bircher Muesli but I didn’t know the proper name for it! Your article is the first one that comes up when you google German Muesli recipe- I’m glad I found it so I can make it at home now!

  53. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (114)

    February 19, 2016 at 21:04

    We have a Bed & Breakfast in New Zealand, last night we made your Bircher Muesli recipe, adding blue berries and toasted coconut plus some coconut oil all other ingredients the same. Guests and us have just finished breakfast and gave this a 10 out of 10, they are European we are Kiwi’s. I can imagine this being a great winter breakfast too.
    Thank you.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (115)

      Laura says:

      February 23, 2016 at 21:08

      Hi Jacky! Thanks so much for your message. I love the addition of coconut oil. I’m glad you and your guests enjoyed the breakfast! Cheers, Laura

  54. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (116)

    L says:

    February 24, 2016 at 11:03

    Hi. Just wondering what your thoughts are on using frozen fruit. Could you leave it in the soaking mix in the fridge to thaw out? I’m on a tight budget, and working out options. Also, could this work with a regular pack of non sugared musli if I soaked the whole mixture (would prob remove the nuts and then add back)? Sorry to bombard you, and thanks for any help. 🙂

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (117)

      Laura says:

      February 24, 2016 at 15:00

      Hi! You can definitely use regular muesli for this, I’ve actually done this myself and it is quite good. As far as frozen fruit, I don’t see why you couldn’t use it. You may have to adjust the amount of liquid accordingly, but other than that it should be fine.

      • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (118)

        L says:

        February 25, 2016 at 00:13

        Thank you. Let the experimenting commence…

  55. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (119)

    Nikita says:

    April 1, 2016 at 02:52

    What if the yogurt is tangy ? Can i add sugar and soak it ? or is there a better way ?

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (120)

      Laura says:

      May 4, 2016 at 13:13

      I use honey, but sugar would work too. 🙂

  56. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (121)

    Yvonne says:

    April 5, 2016 at 12:09

    This is a lovely recipe. I made mine a bit too watery and will adjust. Thank you for the great recipes you offer

  57. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (122)

    Helen says:

    April 24, 2016 at 13:44

    I recently discovered Bircher Muesli on holiday in Germany and loved it. I’ve been trying a few recipes to find one I like as much and yours is definitely the best. Thanks for sharing it. I had it with flaked almonds, ground chia seeds and fresh fruit – mmmmm!!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (123)

      Laura says:

      May 4, 2016 at 13:11

      Wow, I’m honored Helen! Thanks for trying it out. And ground chia seeds is definitely an addition which I will have to try.

  58. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (124)

    Ludmila says:

    April 28, 2016 at 05:11

    This Bircher Muesli is just awesome! Not too sweet compared to industrial ones, and just enough in quantity for breakfast. I personally don’t like porridge at all but I really enjoyed eating this delicious bowl of muesli, even though it had similarities with porridge in its consistency. I’m definitely adding it to my recipes book!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (125)

      Laura says:

      May 4, 2016 at 13:10

      Thanks so much Ludmila, I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  59. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (126)

    Christy says:

    May 4, 2016 at 12:30

    While on vacation in New Zealand and Australia, I fell upon Bircher Museli and absolutely fell in love with it! The versions were similar to your recipe, but always included shredded coconut which I love, and some used mango as well as apple. I added some walnuts and chopped bananas when available. Very delicious and filling. I’m going to make it a staple when I return to the United States.

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (127)

      Laura says:

      May 4, 2016 at 13:09

      Thanks Christy! I agree, shredded coconut is an amazing addition to Bircher Müsli!!

  60. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (128)

    Emily says:

    May 6, 2016 at 20:12

    Hi Laura, I’m really keen on your recipe. I first had Bircher Muesli in Wadenswil near Zurich where some of my family live. I like the idea of having different fruit with it such as blueberries etc. The only thing is that I’m trying to avoid dairy although I wouldn’t say no to yogurt! What do you think of almond milk as an alternative? Also, when soaking the musili overnight, would it last for a few days if refridgerated? Thanks, Emily 🙂

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (129)

      Laura says:

      August 8, 2016 at 20:29

      Hi Emily, sorry this response is so late, but your comment ended up in my spam folder. :/ I think replacing the milk with almond milk should work just fine (or maybe even oat milk?). The muesli definitely keeps in the fridge for a few days at least. Cheers, Laura

  61. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (130)

    Evelyn Liddicoat says:

    June 27, 2016 at 05:57

    My son found your recipe and introduced me to mueslix about a month ago during a visit. It was amazing. I’ve personally made it several times now with blueberries and mango, with blueberries and strawberries, and with mango and pineapple. I’m personally partial to the mango with either the blueberries or pineapple . The flavor of the strawberries seems to get lost. I used Agave in place of the honey and it worked out fine. Thanks for sharing the delightful recipe.

  62. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (131)

    Lana says:

    August 8, 2016 at 15:14

    We were in Sedona, AZ recently and the hotel we stayed in served a raw musli mix every morning. I enjoyed it and wanted to make it for myself at home. Their dish was very soupy, but still good. I made your recipe last night and had a delicious bowl this morning. I added flax seeds to the oats for a bit more fiber. I am going to share your recipe with my friends on FB. It is a keeper!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (132)

      Laura says:

      August 8, 2016 at 20:30

      Thank you Lana! And flax seed sounds like a great and healthy addition. 🙂

  63. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (133)

    Lana says:

    August 8, 2016 at 15:18

    Had the incorrect blog address in the above post.

  64. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (134)

    Janet says:

    October 16, 2016 at 23:08

    Heard great things of this. Doesn’t the lemon juice curdle the milk?

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (135)

      Laura says:

      January 23, 2017 at 14:09

      It hasn’t for me, but just leave it out if you are worried. Or sprinkle a little onto your apples before adding to the mixture.

  65. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (136)

    Renie B says:

    October 31, 2016 at 05:08

    Hello, I plan on making your recipe and I’m looking for jars just like yours for transporting the bircher muesli to work in a leak-proof individually portioned containers. What size and manufacturer are these? Thanks!

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (137)

      Laura says:

      January 23, 2017 at 14:08

      Hi Renie, I got these jars ages ago here in Berlin, Germany and I haven’t the slightest clue what size or manufacturer they are. Sorry I can’t be of more help but really any leak proof container should work.

  66. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (138)

    Anton says:

    January 15, 2017 at 12:02

    Love reading all the variations people make. My version of Birchers doesn’t use any oats at all. So it’s also instant. I use apple, blue berries, black berries, raisins, crushed walnuts, full fat yogurt and a T-spoon of honey. All I eat for breakfast everyday.
    Im Swiss from a long line of Bircher eating Swiss and we use mostly a berry mix in season with an apple/pear based yogurt. Due to carb watching we don’t use oats anymore but the children do. If we eat oats we eat them raw, soaked over night at room temperature in fresh unpasteurised full cream milk from our cows. This way it gets a nice creamy slightly chewy nutty bite to it without being slushy.
    If you have a mandoline it makes the apple shreds extra fine and neat, a grater makes a mushy mess.

  67. Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (139)

    Kelsey says:

    January 18, 2017 at 00:58

    Hi Laura,

    Im lactose intolerant so cant have milk, however wondering if it would work the same with a substitute such as almond or coconut milk? any experience with these variations?


    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (140)

      Laura says:

      January 23, 2017 at 14:04

      Hi Kelsey,
      I haven’t had any personal experience in substituting the milk, but I imagine almond milk to be a delicious substitution. Or maybe even oat milk? Let me know how it works out! -Laura

    • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (141)

      Renie B says:

      January 23, 2017 at 16:43

      This can be a little on the sweet side for me with the combo of apple juice, honey and natural sugars in the milk, so i’ve tried it substituting the cow’s milk with almond milk or water and it came out good both times. Almond milk worked great.

      • Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (142)

        Anton says:

        January 24, 2017 at 05:28

        I would love to try the “almond milk” one unfortunately our almond milk tastes like water. Very thin and quite honestly it should be called almond water. It doesn’t even taste like almonds or milk. I tried it in cofee and it doesn’t even change the colour of black coffee.

        Almond milk is made by basicaly grinding almonds and adding water then straining. I suspect the fresher the almonds and the quantity of water and almonds used affects the product but I found nothing that tastes even nearly as good as for example coconut milk which is made the same way.

        We get Blue Diamond, Almond breeze almond milk and a few others, tried most of them not nice at all. Most with apparently less than 2% almond and a whole lot of additives including sugar. Though in America they don’t need to print on the labeling the % of almond which is insane. Ours come with a label stuck over the American ingriedients telling us excatly what % is almond and it’s shockingly low. Im sure there must be better, creamier more almond and less additives quality brands out there, though. May I ask which one you use Laura?

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Bircher Muesli : The original overnight oats recipe - My Little Gourmet (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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