How to Use Sourdough Discard (2024)

Published: · Modified: by Jessica Vogl · This post may contain affiliate links · 2 Comments

Now that you know how to feed your sourdough starter, you might find yourself with a good bit of sourdough discard, especially if you're making a new sourdough starter! The good news is, you can put this discard to good use! In this post, we'll walk through why and how to use your sourdough discard (instead of throwing it away), which can add a wonderful flavor and additional lift to your recipes.

How to Use Sourdough Discard (1)

Before you go further in this post, you will need to have a sourdough starter. If you do not have one, you have a few options: you can make your own with this sourdough starter recipe, you can buy a sourdough starter, or you can get one from a friend or neighbor who is willing to give you some of their discard to make a new starter. Check out these posts for in-depth guides on how to feed sourdough starter and tips for struggling sourdough starter.

Jump to:
  • What is sourdough discard?
  • Why do you have to discard?
  • What can you do with sourdough discard?
  • How to store sourdough discard
  • My Favorite Sourdough Starter Jar
  • Why should you bake with sourdough discard?
  • Sourdough Discard Recipes
  • How do you know if your sourdough discard has gone bad?
  • Sourdough Discard FAQ
How to Use Sourdough Discard (2)

What is sourdough discard?

Sourdough discard is what you have leftover after you feed your sourdough starter.

When you feed your sourdough starter, you measure out a portion of the starter, then add fresh flour and water. The portion of the starter that you didn't use or feed is the discard. You can either literally discard this (in the compost or trash), or use it for sourdough discard recipes. It has fermented, so it has some natural yeast and will be an added lift and a bit of sourdough flavor for your baking recipes.

Why do you have to discard?

Your sourdough starter grows quickly and can double in size in a single day (especially when it's very active). If you do not discard, the starter will become very large very quickly and you'll need to feed it with 2x the ingredients with every feeding. That will get out of control very quickly!

Discarding keeps your starter at a manageable size. This also allows you to feed your starter with the same amount of ingredients (flour and water) for each feeding.

Note: If you are baking with active sourdough starter, you likely won't need to discard! Discarding is for when you feed your starter without baking with it at the same time.

What can you do with sourdough discard?

Once you have sourdough discard, there are a few things you can do with it:

  • Discard it:As the name suggests, you can literally discard it. DO NOT put this down your sink drain as it will harden into something close to cement and will clog your pipes. Either compost or throw the discard in the trash.
  • Use it immediately for baking:If you are going to bake something right away (same day), you can keep the discard at room temperature until you're ready to bake. Cover it with plastic wrap to keep it from drying out until you're ready to use it. Check out a few of my favoritesourdough discard recipes here.
  • Store it for future baking:You can store sourdough discard in an airtight container in the refrigerator for future baking withsourdough discard recipes. When you're ready to use it, let the discard come to room temperature before using it to bake.
    • I will keep sourdough discard in the fridge for about one week. I do know others that keep it much longer. The longer you keep it, the higher the risk of the discard growing mold or bad bacteria.
  • Make another starter:If you want to have a second starter, you can feed the discard as well, and make another starter!
  • Give it to someone to make their own starter:If you want to give someone some of your sourdough starter, you can give them discard! Feed your sourdough starter as normal, then give away the discard to a lucky friend or neighbor. Make sure to leave them with instructions on how to feed it.

How to store sourdough discard

If you are going to use the discard immediately (within the same day), you can keep the discard at room temperature. This can either be in an airtight container, or in a bowl covered with plastic wrap. It will then be ready to go when you start your recipe.

If you are going to use the sourdough discard for future baking (within one week), store the discard in an airtight container in the refrigerator. This could be in a sealed jar (I love these Weck jars) or container. Feed your starter as often as you like and accumulate the discard in this container until you're ready to bake. When you are ready to bake, remove the discard from the fridge and let it come to room temperature.

I recommend keeping sourdough discard for up to one week. If needed, mark the date on the container in your refrigerator. After one week, there is a higher chance of the discard growing bad bacteria or mold.

How to Use Sourdough Discard (3)

kitchen essentials

My Favorite Sourdough Starter Jar

The perfect jar for maintaining a sourdough starter!

How to Use Sourdough Discard (4)

Why should you bake with sourdough discard?

Baking with sourdough discard helps to eliminate some of the waste of a sourdough starter (if you have one, you know how much flour you can go through!). You've put a lot of time and ingredients into making that sourdough starter, and it's a shame to throw so much of that away! The good news is that you don't have to. Baking with sourdough discard also adds a great slightly sour flavor and additional lift to your baked goods.

When you are baking with sourdough discard, it should always be at room temperature (to help the dough rise), and unfed (i.e. this is the discard, not the fed part of your starter).

Every sourdough starter (and therefore, the discard), is different. If you're baking and you feel like your dough is too wet / too dry, add more water or flour (in 1 Tablespoon increments) to reach your desired dough consistency.

Sourdough Discard Recipes

Below are a few of my favorite sourdough discard recipes. These are a great way to use up some of the sourdough discard that you have, while making a delicious baked good!

We're adding more all the time, but leave a comment below if there is something you'd like to see that we don't have a recipe for yet!

  • Sourdough Discard Bagels
  • Sourdough Discard Garlic Pull Apart Bread
  • Sourdough Discard Pretzels
  • Sourdough Discard Pretzel Bites
  • Sourdough Discard Cinnamon Rolls
  • Sourdough Discard Pizza Dough
  • Sourdough Discard Garlic Rolls
  • Sourdough Discard Waffles

More discard recipes

How do you know if your sourdough discard has gone bad?

I recommend keeping sourdough discard for about one week, but I do know others who keep it for much longer. After one week, there is a higher risk of mold or bad bacteria growing on the discard.

Signs of mold could look like:

  • Traditional green / black mold: This is the traditional green, black, or grey fuzzy mold that we all know. If you see this, time to throw it away.
  • Pink or orange streaks: This is another way that mold can present itself in the discard. Watch out for pink or orange spots or streaks in the discard. If you see this, time to throw it away.

A good rule of thumb: If you feel like your discard is "off" in any way (color, smell, anything), discard it. It's not worth messing with mold. You will always have more sourdough discard!

Sourdough Discard FAQ

What is the liquid on top of my sourdough discard?

You may see a murky liquid form on the top of your sourdough discard, especially if it has been sitting a while. This is the hooch (completely normal and harmless) and means that your discard is hungry (completely normal, because you're not feeding it!). Before using your discard, pour off this liquid. You can also mix it back into the discard, if you prefer.

How long can I keep sourdough discard?

I recommend keeping sourdough discard for up to one week. After that point, there is a higher risk of bad bacteria or mold growing.

How often should I feed my sourdough starter?

I recommend feeding your starter at least once per week. Check out this post for an in-depth guide on how to feed sourdough starter.

Is baking with sourdough discard the same as baking with active sourdough starter?

No. Active sourdough starter has an active yeast culture, whereas sourdough discard is inactive. If you're baking with sourdough discard, you will need to use a leavening agent (likely, yeast) to ensure the dough rises predictably.

What will adding sourdough discard do to a recipe?

Using sourdough discard in a recipe will give it a slightly sour tang (like sourdough bread), and give it some additional lift from the natural yeast.

What should I do if my sourdough starter is struggling?

Check out this in-depth post with tips for struggling sourdough starter.

More Sourdough Discard Recipes

  • Sourdough Discard Cinnamon Roll Pull Apart Bread
  • Sourdough Discard Banana Bread
  • Sourdough Discard Strawberry Galette
  • Sourdough Discard Pie Crust

Reader Interactions


  1. Nicole

    What happens if you never discard and just continue to feed whatever is in your starter jar/use only fresh starter?


    • Jessica Vogl

      If you never discard, keep feeding and you don’t use any of the starter, you’ll end up with a massive starter. If you do use fresh starter for baking and continue to feed what remains, that’s fine!


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How to Use Sourdough Discard (2024)


What do you do with sourdough starter discard? ›

You can always use this discard by directly mixing it into a dough for baking. Your discard, as long as it's in good shape, will leaven any bread dough just as well. The discard is just like a levain you would make for a recipe. The only difference is it's the same makeup as your starter.

Can you use sourdough discard right away? ›

You can store sourdough discard in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. It's fine to leave it on the counter for up 24 hours, however if you aren't planning to use it straight away it's always better to store it in the fridge. You can continue to add sourdough starter from different days to the same jar.

Can you use sourdough discard straight from the fridge? ›

Before using it, let it thaw in the refrigerator or at room temperature, never in the microwave.

Does sourdough discard have to be active? ›

Discard is unfed starter. It's not used to get any rise, just flavor. It does not have to peak in order to use for pancakes.

Do you have to discard sourdough starter every time you feed it? ›

With each sourdough starter feeding, you'll be discarding some to avoid it from becoming overly acidic. Most will compost or trash this discard, but you can save it and use it in other recipes!

How do you save and use sourdough discard? ›

You can combine many days' worth of discard in a single jar, adding to it every time you feed your starter until you're ready to bake with your discard. If you're planning to use that day, discard starter can be kept out at room temperature. Otherwise, store it in the fridge until you're ready to use.

Why do you throw away sourdough discard? ›

If you don't get rid of the excess, eventually you'll have more starter than your feedings can sustain. After a few days, your daily 1/4 cup flour and water won't be enough to sustain your entire jar of starter, and your starter will be slow and sluggish, not much better than discard itself.

Can I leave sourdough discard out overnight? ›

If you bake couple of times a week or once a week, best to move the starter in the fridge. You would then remove it from the fridge for feeding ahead of preparing the dough. Can I leave my starter out overnight after feeding it? Yes, if you have just fed it.

Does sourdough discard need to be room temperature before using? ›

Store it for future baking: You can store sourdough discard in an airtight container in the refrigerator for future baking with sourdough discard recipes. When you're ready to use it, let the discard come to room temperature before using it to bake.

Can you use 2 week old sourdough discard? ›

Sourdough discard will last indefinitely when stored in the fridge, but the longer it sits, the sourer it becomes. Therefore, I like to use my discard within 2 weeks.

Why does my sourdough discard smell like alcohol? ›

When the sourdough starter isn't fed often enough or feedings are skipped, it is common for an alcohol odor to develop. Increasing feeding frequency can help; however, if the starter has been neglected for a while, it may require more effort to revive it.

Can you freeze sourdough discard and use it later? ›

Freezing sourdough discard is a clever way to avoid waste and save it for future recipes.

What can you do with sourdough discard? ›

Scroll through a healthy variety of sweet and savory options, such as sourdough pumpkin scones, salty pretzels, flaky pie crust, or chocolate-dipped biscotti — all made with discard. Try the sourdough dinner rolls, soft snickerdoodle cookies, or frosted, tangy carrot cake.

How to turn sourdough discard into starter? ›

How I Feed My Sourdough Starter
  1. Discard the contents of my starter jar down to 20g (the discard can go in the compost, trash, or used in a discard recipe)
  2. To the jar, add 70g white flour, 30g whole rye flour, and 100g water.
  3. Stir the mixture until everything is incorporated.
Aug 19, 2024

How do I know if my sourdough discard is good? ›

You can store mature sourdough discard in the refrigerator indefinitely. As long as there is no mold, it is good to use. It may develop a grayish liquid on top called “hooch” which can be poured off before use or stirred in. If you stir it in, the flavor will become more sour.

How to dispose of sourdough discards? ›

Place your discard starter in a large bowl and add cold water, stirring to thin it to the consistency of milk; then pour it down the drain, flushing the drain with additional cold water. Will sourdough starter hurt your septic system? No, it shouldn't; it's simply organic matter and yeast.

Can I discard sourdough starter down the drain? ›

You can put your sourdough discard either in the trash. or the compost, or you can use it in recipes. Don't put it down the drain. If you have ever, like, tried to clean out a crusty sourdough starter jar, you know, that stuff turns to, like, basically cement.

What are the benefits of sourdough discard? ›

The fermentation process of the sourdough starter increases the availability of certain nutrients and can help improve digestion. Using the discard in various recipes can add a nutritional boost, especially when combined with whole grains and other healthful ingredients.

Can I give away sourdough discard? ›

Yes, you can give your friend a portion of sourdough discard to start their own sourdough starter, however it's best if your starter is mature (at least 3 months old) when you do this, so that your friend can start baking straight away.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.