Ounces to Milliliter Conversion (fl oz to mL) (2025)

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1 fl oz = 29.573529564112 mL

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fl oz: Ounces, mL: Milliliter

How Many Milliliter in a Ounce?

There are 29.573529564112 milliliter in a ounce.
1 Ounce is equal to 29.573529564112 Milliliter.
1 fl oz = 29.573529564112 mL

Ounces to Milliliter Conversions

8 fl oz = 236.588237 mL

12 fl oz = 354.882355 mL

2 fl oz = 59.147059 mL

16 fl oz = 473.176473 mL

1 fl oz = 29.57353 mL

4 fl oz = 118.294118 mL

6 fl oz = 177.441177 mL

32 fl oz = 946.352946 mL

10 fl oz = 295.735296 mL

3 fl oz = 88.720589 mL

5 fl oz = 147.867648 mL

0.5 fl oz = 14.786765 mL

24 fl oz = 709.76471 mL

20 fl oz = 591.470591 mL

1.5 fl oz = 44.360294 mL

14 fl oz = 414.029414 mL

15 fl oz = 443.602943 mL

18 fl oz = 532.323532 mL

30 fl oz = 887.205887 mL

40 fl oz = 1182.941183 mL

9 fl oz = 266.161766 mL

2.5 fl oz = 73.933824 mL

3.4 fl oz = 100.550001 mL

64 fl oz = 1892.705892 mL

25 fl oz = 739.338239 mL

7 fl oz = 207.014707 mL

0 fl oz = 0 mL

17 fl oz = 502.750003 mL

26 fl oz = 768.911769 mL

0.25 fl oz = 7.393382 mL

28 fl oz = 828.058828 mL

11 fl oz = 325.308825 mL

60 fl oz = 1774.411774 mL

1.7 fl oz = 50.275 mL

13 fl oz = 384.455884 mL

16.9 fl oz = 499.79265 mL

36 fl oz = 1064.647064 mL

3.5 fl oz = 103.507353 mL

50 fl oz = 1478.676478 mL

3.3 fl oz = 97.592648 mL

0.4 fl oz = 11.829412 mL

35 fl oz = 1035.073535 mL

48 fl oz = 1419.529419 mL

22 fl oz = 650.61765 mL

100 fl oz = 2957.352956 mL

0.75 fl oz = 22.180147 mL

8.5 fl oz = 251.375001 mL

27 fl oz = 798.485298 mL

Ounces Definition

Known as the US fluid ounce, the unit of volume for liquid substances is used as ounce in the US and other countries practicing the US Customary system. It is equals to approximately 1/8 of US cup, 1/16 of US pint, approximately 1.040842731 Imperial Fluid Ounces, 2 tablespoons or 6 teaspoons. The name ounce is derived from an old Latin word Onza, and the symbol adopted for this unit is fl oz.

Convert Ounces

Milliliter Definition

A unit of volume equal to 10−3 liter is a non-metric unit known as a milliliter. It is equivalent to 1 cubic centimeter in the SI. With the symbol ml, this unit is commonly used in medicine or cooking, both in the countries who use the Imperial system, or SI.

Convert Milliliter

About fl oz to mL Converter

This is a very easy to use ounces to milliliter converter. First of all just type the ounces (fl oz) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting fl oz to mL, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Milliliter value will be converted automatically as you type.

The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of ounces to milliliter conversion.

You can also check the ounces to milliliter conversion chart below, or go back to ounces to milliliter converter to top.

Ounces to Milliliter Conversion Chart
1 fl oz29.573529564112 mL
2 fl oz59.147059128224 mL
3 fl oz88.720588692336 mL
4 fl oz118.29411825645 mL
5 fl oz147.86764782056 mL
6 fl oz177.44117738467 mL
7 fl oz207.01470694878 mL
8 fl oz236.58823651289 mL
9 fl oz266.16176607701 mL
10 fl oz295.73529564112 mL
11 fl oz325.30882520523 mL
12 fl oz354.88235476934 mL
13 fl oz384.45588433345 mL
14 fl oz414.02941389757 mL
15 fl oz443.60294346168 mL
16 fl oz473.17647302579 mL
17 fl oz502.7500025899 mL
18 fl oz532.32353215401 mL
19 fl oz561.89706171813 mL
20 fl oz591.47059128224 mL
21 fl oz621.04412084635 mL
22 fl oz650.61765041046 mL
23 fl oz680.19117997457 mL
24 fl oz709.76470953868 mL
25 fl oz739.3382391028 mL
26 fl oz768.91176866691 mL
27 fl oz798.48529823102 mL
28 fl oz828.05882779513 mL
29 fl oz857.63235735924 mL
30 fl oz887.20588692336 mL
31 fl oz916.77941648747 mL
32 fl oz946.35294605158 mL
33 fl oz975.92647561569 mL
34 fl oz1005.5000051798 mL
35 fl oz1035.0735347439 mL
36 fl oz1064.647064308 mL
37 fl oz1094.2205938721 mL
38 fl oz1123.7941234363 mL
39 fl oz1153.3676530004 mL
40 fl oz1182.9411825645 mL
41 fl oz1212.5147121286 mL
42 fl oz1242.0882416927 mL
43 fl oz1271.6617712568 mL
44 fl oz1301.2353008209 mL
45 fl oz1330.808830385 mL
46 fl oz1360.3823599491 mL
47 fl oz1389.9558895133 mL
48 fl oz1419.5294190774 mL
49 fl oz1449.1029486415 mL
50 fl oz1478.6764782056 mL
50 fl oz1478.6764782056 mL
55 fl oz1626.5441260262 mL
60 fl oz1774.4117738467 mL
65 fl oz1922.2794216673 mL
70 fl oz2070.1470694878 mL
75 fl oz2218.0147173084 mL
80 fl oz2365.8823651289 mL
85 fl oz2513.7500129495 mL
90 fl oz2661.6176607701 mL
95 fl oz2809.4853085906 mL
100 fl oz2957.3529564112 mL
105 fl oz3105.2206042317 mL
110 fl oz3253.0882520523 mL
115 fl oz3400.9558998729 mL
120 fl oz3548.8235476934 mL
125 fl oz3696.691195514 mL
130 fl oz3844.5588433345 mL
135 fl oz3992.4264911551 mL
140 fl oz4140.2941389757 mL
145 fl oz4288.1617867962 mL
150 fl oz4436.0294346168 mL
155 fl oz4583.8970824373 mL
160 fl oz4731.7647302579 mL
165 fl oz4879.6323780785 mL
170 fl oz5027.500025899 mL
175 fl oz5175.3676737196 mL
180 fl oz5323.2353215401 mL
185 fl oz5471.1029693607 mL
190 fl oz5618.9706171813 mL
195 fl oz5766.8382650018 mL
200 fl oz5914.7059128224 mL
205 fl oz6062.5735606429 mL
210 fl oz6210.4412084635 mL
215 fl oz6358.3088562841 mL
220 fl oz6506.1765041046 mL
225 fl oz6654.0441519252 mL
230 fl oz6801.9117997457 mL
235 fl oz6949.7794475663 mL
240 fl oz7097.6470953868 mL
245 fl oz7245.5147432074 mL
250 fl oz7393.382391028 mL
255 fl oz7541.2500388485 mL
260 fl oz7689.1176866691 mL
265 fl oz7836.9853344896 mL
270 fl oz7984.8529823102 mL
275 fl oz8132.7206301308 mL
280 fl oz8280.5882779513 mL
285 fl oz8428.4559257719 mL
290 fl oz8576.3235735924 mL
295 fl oz8724.191221413 mL

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Ounces to Milliliter Conversion (fl oz to mL) (2025)


How many mL is a fl oz? ›

Depending on which units you are using, there are two conversions: For the US fluid ounce, 1 fl oz = 29.6 ml ; and. For the British fluid ounce, 1 fl oz = 28.4 ml .

Is 1 oz the same as 5 mL? ›

Ounces to ML Conversion Formula

The conversion factor between fluid ounces and millilitres is approximately 29.57 millilitres per fluid ounce. This means that one fluid ounce is approximately equal to 29.57 millilitres.

How many mL is 20 oz of liquid? ›

1 ounce is equal to 29.5735 ml. Therefore, 20 ounces is equal to 591.47 ml. 1 ml = 0.0348 US fluid oz.

Is 250 ml the same as 8 oz? ›

250 ml = about 8-1/2 fl. oz. (8.45 fl. oz.)

Is 1 oz equal to 10 ml? ›

Answer: 10ml is equal to 1/3 of an ounce (oz) or 0.33814 oz.

Is 1 oz the same as 1 fl oz? ›

Both fluid ounces and ounces represent a unit of measurement, but they are quite different. Fluid ounces, as the name might imply, are specifically meant to measure volume (often of liquid ingredients like water), while ounces measure weight, usually of solid ingredients like all-purpose flour.

How to convert oz to ml in nursing? ›

oz) use 1 fl. oz. = 30 mL to convert.

Does 30 ml equal 1 oz? ›

There are approximately 29.5735 milliliters (ml) in 1 fluid ounce (oz). This is the standard conversion factor used in the United States for fluid ounces to milliliters.

Is 8 fl oz the same as 8 oz? ›

Water (and similar liquids that are mostly water like milk and strained fruit juices) has the exact same volume measure as weight: 8 fluid ounces (volume) of water weighs 8 ounces.

How to convert fl oz to oz? ›

Fluid Ounces to Ounces Formula

If the density is given in grams per milliliter (g/mL), then first multiply the density by 1.0432 to convert to oz/fl oz. Thus, the weight in ounces is equal to the volume in fluid ounces multiplied by 1.0432 times the density (in g/mL) of the ingredient, substance, or material.

How much is 4oz in ml? ›

Overview: Glass & Plastic Container Size Conversion Chart
Container SizeDramMilliliter
4 oz.32~ 120
6 oz.48~ 180
8 oz.64~ 240
12 oz.96~ 360
9 more rows

How many ml are in 16oz? ›

Assuming you mean 16 fluid ounces, which is a measure of liquid volume, it's 473.18 ml.

Is 750 ml 20 oz? ›

The standard, 750 ml bottle (milliliters are always the measure for beverage alcohol on a wine label) translates into 25.4 ounces.

Is 2 oz the same as 2 ml? ›

1 us fl oz= 29.57353mL I usually estimate that 1 fluid ounces is almost 30 ml, so 2 fluid ounces is a little less than 60 ml. To convert 2 fluid ounces to milliliters, multiply 2 times 29.57353mL which is 59.14706 mL.

How to convert oz to mL in nursing? ›

oz) use 1 fl. oz. = 30 mL to convert.

Does 30 mL equal 1 oz? ›

There are approximately 29.5735 milliliters (ml) in 1 fluid ounce (oz). This is the standard conversion factor used in the United States for fluid ounces to milliliters.

Is 100 mL equal to 1 oz? ›

Therefore, 100 ml is approximately 3.3814 ounces.

This conversion is useful in situations where ingredients or substances are measured in milliliters, but the preferred or required unit of measurement is in ounces.

What is 2.5 ounces equal to in mL? ›

Overview: Glass & Plastic Container Size Conversion Chart
Milliliter or CCOunce (Approx.)mL or CC (Approx.)
75 mL2.5 oz74 mL
115 mL3.9 oz110 mL
120 mL4.1 oz122 mL
150 mL5 oz148 mL
12 more rows

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Name: Edwin Metz

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